Yoga and Mind of a Footbal Manager

Yoga and Mind of Football Manager

From a yoga perspective, many football team managers fail to understand the effects of spirituality, missing out on significant benefits for the team. In this blog, I will explain the importance of a manager's mindset.

In my previous blog, I emphasized the significance of coherence within management and the team, using the example of the press conference held by the chairman and manager of Cardiff City FC. The final conclusion was that the team was unlikely to achieve a playoff or promotion in the upcoming season.

Today, I will discuss a pre-season interview with Hull City Manager Liam Rosenior regarding the upcoming season. Liam is a manager whom I believe has the potential to become great, but currently, he needs to incorporate yogic spirituality into his logical way of thinking.

During the interview, Liam was asked what to expect from Hull City this season. His response was, "to finish as high as we can." This statement lacks a clear vision. He then adds, "I want us to win every game, both at home and away," followed by, "We'll see where it takes us." Do you see the contradiction?

His vision is to win every game, but then he expresses uncertainty about where it will lead. If you are winning every game, you should have an idea of where it will take you. This contradiction indicates that Liam is not yet fully prepared.

He also mentions, "If we fulfil our potential, then we can have a very positive season," carry on with other “ifs” and "We have as good a chance as anyone for the playoffs." However, he introduces too many "ifs." This is where a yoga teacher can assist a manager. Relying solely on logical thinking won't be enough.

Another issue is that many managers keep their vision to themselves without sharing it with the team. A manager must have a clear and precise vision. Liam talks about success, but it is unclear what he means by it. Does he mean finishing first, or fifth, securing promotion, or avoiding relegation? It is not clear. This kind of manager, with a yoga teacher's guidance, could become great. Currently, they are only relying on conventional knowledge of team management, but they need to go beyond that.

Cardiff City FC and Hull City are unlikely to finish the season at the top of the table next season.

`"I'll continue listening to managers and will be able to clearly predict, before the start of the games, which teams will be at the top of the table in the upcoming 2023/2024 season."

Hakan Dokuzoglu

Yoga Instructor

Contact: 07501838888