Football Manager's Key to Success-How to be a Succesful Football Manager?

A Football manager should have an ambition-burning passion that sits deep in his soul. It’s a belief that he can achieve more and surpass his own expectations. He should challenge himself and embrace the strong opposition teams that he faces.

However, ambition alone is not enough. it should be accompanied by persistence and a relentless work ethic. It’s through persistence and a relentless work ethic. It’s through persistence and determination that a manager can become great.

A football manager’s ambition can not help him become a great success on his own. It must be a collaboration with his coaching staff, team players and mentorship. These factors will accelerate the manager’s progress in becoming a successful manager. Mentorship from a good yoga teacher is also a possibility for an open-minded manager.

A football manager must understand and not focus not on how much or little he has on his hands, but on what to do about it. He needs to analyze what he has and take appropriate action.

A football manager should not wish for an easier path with plenty of options for players. Instead, he should wish to become better, as this will lead to growth.

A football manager should never ask for fewer problems and wish for more skills. Instead, he should aim for more wisdom to overcome challenges.

The Philosophy of the football manager will be key to achieving extraordinary success.

Football managers must visualize themselves as successful and truly know what they want to achieve without dwelling on” ifs”.

They must visualise themselves as the manager they want to become.

Football managers must have a clear purpose and set goals for themselves. The more powerful their purpose, the more it will pure them toward achieving it. This purpose will help them navigate difficulties and challenges. Without a strong purpose, it’s easier to be overwhelmed by competitors.

A clear purpose will provide the strength to achieve goals.

If the manager has a good idea of how to run things, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.

Football managers Self-confidence

A football manager should understand where self-confidence comes from. It comes from not neglecting small daily disciplines.

Firstly self-discipline comes from feeling good about oneself. At the end of the day, knowing that you did your best, whether it was tactical formations or building good relationships with team players boosts self confidence.

Willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve success is a key aspect of self-confidence. If they need to read the books or consult with people who know more than him, they will do so. This attitude builds unbelievable self-confidence.

Rising above circumstances and overcoming challenges

Football managers should rise above their circumstances and overcome all challenges, whether big or small.

The Enthusiasm of Football Managers

Enthusiasm comes from deep inside and is created by self-confidence, purpose, and a genuine desire to win for everyone.

The expertise of Football Managers

Football managers should strive to excel in all skills and settle for nothing less than outstanding performance. If they aim to be the best in their field, they must be excellent in their skills. This includes planning, developing language skills, communication skills with players, influence, training and organisational skills. Becoming an expert in these areas is crucial

Preparation of Football Managers.

Football managers should be well-prepared and ready. The decisions made during the preparation time are’s important to” prepare yourself for success” If you are not prepared, why should you expect to win? Continuously ask what can be done better and be ready to win.

Those who put in the right effort will succeed. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to achieve greatness.

Never Complain

Football Managers should avoid complaining.

The Image of a Football Manager

The image of football managers is important. I others do not see you as a leader, they won’t pay attention to what you say.

If they don’t see you in control, they won’t trust you.

If they don’t see where you are going, the strong purposes you have, and what you want to accomplish, they won’t probably follow you.

Be in Charge.

Be in Control.

Be in Contol of the situation.

Be influential and know how to use your influence.

Then, they will admire you and follow you.

Your image of yourself is important.

The way you dress, talk, walk, and think all contribute to this image.

You can learn all of these if you do not know some of them already.

Look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “How do I appear to other people?”

And ask again: How do I appear to myself?

Make sure your players see you as honest and fair.

Football managers must have self-discipline.

Football managers demand the best results and know it takes to achieve them.

You, just do extraordinary things to be an extraordinary manager; a standard way of doing things will only hold you back as a standard manager. Choose the first option and be an extraordinary manager.

By Hakan Dokuzoglu

2nd July 2023

Contact: 07501838888