Yoga Football

Yoga and Football

I want to share some key principles that are essential for our success and to help us reach the top. These principles will guide us throughout the season, and it's important that we all embrace them.

The Power of a Positive Attitude: One of the most crucial factors that determine your success is your attitude. Your attitude affects how you approach challenges and how you interact with others, including your teammates, coaching staff, and management. It is imperative that each one of you maintains a positive attitude, even during difficult times. As we navigate through the challenges ahead, we will develop resilience and strength to achieve our ultimate goal: promotion to the Upper league or Winning the League next season.

Embracing Challenges: During this journey, we will face various challenges. Instead of shying away from them, I urge you to embrace them. See every challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn, both as individuals and as a team. By doing so, we can make these challenges beneficial for our collective success.

The Importance of a Clear Vision: However, having a positive attitude alone is not enough. Each one of you must have a clear vision of what we want to achieve by the end of this season. Without a clear vision, we will struggle to reach our destination. Our vision must be precise and well-defined. Simply stating that "we would like to be in the top 6" is not sufficient. Let's take inspiration from Acun Ilicali's press conference from last year, where he outlined a specific goal, such as reaching the top 6.

Your clear vision acts as a roadmap that will guide us to our destination. Once we have a clear vision, we must take action to achieve our goal of promotion. This means putting in the time, effort, and dedication required for success. Never stop learning and developing your skills both on and off the field. Continuously seek opportunities to improve yourself and become a more skilled player. Commit to these principles and never stop learning.

In summary, the principles we have discussed today are simple but not easy. Each one of you must choose to have a positive attitude, a clear vision, take action, and never stop learning. Remember, this journey is not a sprint but a marathon. Together, let's work towards our goal and make this season a memorable one.

Thank you.