7 best yoga poses for rugby players
Yoga can be extremely beneficial for rugby players as it helps improve flexibility, mobility, strength, balance, and mental focus. Here are seven yoga poses that can be particularly useful for rugby players:
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
Strengthens and lengthens the hamstrings and calves.
Improves shoulder flexibility and stability.
Stretches the back and opens up the chest.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II):
Strengthens the legs, including quadriceps and glutes.
Opens up the hips and groin.
Enhances balance and focus.
Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana):
Stretches the hip flexors and quadriceps.
Improves balance and stability.
Engages the core muscles.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):
Strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
Stretches the chest and shoulders.
Helps release tension in the lower back.
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana):
Stretches the hip rotators and glutes.
Can help alleviate tightness in the hips.
Opens up the chest and shoulders.
Boat Pose (Navasana):
Engages the core muscles.
Strengthens the hip flexors and quadriceps.
Improves balance and focus.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana):
Enhances balance and stability.
Strengthens the ankles and calves.
Focuses on hip opening and concentration.
Before attempting these poses, make sure to warm up properly and listen to your body. It's a good idea to start with a qualified yoga instructor (Hakan Dokuzoglu)who can guide you through proper alignment and adjustments. Regular yoga practice can complement your rugby training, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your overall performance on the field.
Hakan Dokuzoglu
Yoga Instructor-Private Classes for Rugby Players
Contact: 07501838888